Unlike most stories, mine starts with CHAOS. 2014 was the year I was born again after 1995, It was the year I fled my country Syria and its war and mass destruction to start a new life in Turkey / Istanbul.
I've learned the Turkish language in my first year, and right after I had the chance to study Journalism and cinema at Atatürk University, that was when my visual journey started and my life started to be colorful again. Being a student I know that it was my one and only shot to master everything I can alongside my education in order to survive after graduation.
I found my passion in photos, films, graphics, cinema, and rapidly I learned all these fields from both the university and external resources. I've implemented the most modern techniques in editing and shooting and built my reputation up to creating projects for the ministry of high education in Turkey!
It was only the beginning of my career and shortly I started shooting short films, doing freelance to reach farther clients across the globe until today where I started reaching larger brands, giving education in reputable institutes across Europe and the United States, and directing my own feature documentary film about Syria.

"You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
Steve Jobs.
This quote always meant the most to me, we constantly shape our future by the actions we take today, every contact I made before had a drastic change in my life today no matter how insignificant it is, so let our contact be next and we shall reshape the future.
Thank you!